
Metode diet alami

02/06/2012 15:33


Diet adalah jumlah makanan yang dikonsumsi oleh seseorang atau organisme tertentu[1]. Jenis diet sangat dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang asal individu atau keyakinan yang dianut masyarakat tertentu. Walaupun manusia pada dasarnya adalah omnivora, suatu kelompok masyarakat biasanya memiliki preferensi atau pantangan terhadap beberapa jenis makanan.

Berbeda dalam penyebutan di beberapa negara, dalam bahasa Indonesia, kata diet lebih sering ditujukan untuk menyebut suatu upaya menurunkan berat badan atau mengatur asupan nutrisi tertentu. Artikel ini akan membahas mengenai diet dalam pengertian yang kedua.

Dalam pekembangannya, diet dalam konteks upaya mengatur asupan nutrisi dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis, yaitu:

Menurunkan Berat (Massa) Badan misalnya bagi model atau aktris yang ingin menjaga penampilannya.

Meningkatkan Berat (Massa) Badan misalnya bagi olahragawan atau atlet binaraga yang ingin meningkatkan massa otot.

Pantang Terhadap Makanan Tertentu misalnya bagi penderita diabetes (rendah karbohidrat dan gula).

Asupan nutrisi seseorang sangat berpengaruh terhadap masssa tubuhnya.

Faktor yang memengaruhi massa tubuh


Terdapat beberapa faktor yang memengaruhi massa tubuh. Faktor-faktor itu dikelompokkan menjadi dua, yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal mencakup faktor-faktor hereditas seperti gen, regulasi termis, dan metabolisme. Faktor eksternal mencakup aktivitas fisik, dan asupan makanan.

[sunting]Faktor internal

Faktor internal yang bertanggung jawab terhadap massa tubuh adalah suatu faktor yang tidak dapat dikendalikan secara sadar oleh orang-orang yang melakukan diet.

[sunting]Faktor genetik


Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Sekolah Medis Universitas Boston menemukan bahwa gen bernama INSIG2 bertanggung jawab terhadap obesitas. Gen INSIG2 bertanggung jawab dalam menginhibisi sintesis asam lemak dan kolesterol. Beberapa produk protein dari Varian gen INSIG2 memiliki daya inhibisi yang rendah sehingga orang-orang dengan varian gen ini akan cenderung lebih banyak menumpuk lemak di dalam tubuhnya. Sekitar 1 dari sepuluh orang (10%) diduga membawa varian gen ini [2] [3].


Gen lain yang bertanggung jawab terhadap obesitas adalah gen FTO. FTO adalah nama gen yang terletak pada kromosom 16 manusia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian [4] orang-orang yang memiliki varian tertentu dari FTO dan memiliki pasangan alel homozigot varian tersebut di dalam genomnya (16,4% dari subyek penelitian) memiliki berat badan 3 kg lebih berat dari orang biasa dan memiliki risiko terserang obesitas 1,5 kali lebih besar dari orang biasa[5].


sumber : wikipedia

Apple Cider Vinegar An Efficient Acne Home Cure

01/06/2012 16:08

You could hear of this saying which goes "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Well right now I'm going to explain to you something different. An apple per day keeps the acne away. Yes apple contains a special ingredient that is an efficient acne cure. It's none other than apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is able break down fatty, mucous and phlegm which are in the body hence improving the health and function of your liver, bladder, and kidneys. These 2 organs are the main factory in your body that functions to detoxify your body as well as cleanse your blood. And you realize that acne issue is usually cause by the accumulated toxic in your body, so by taking apple cider vinegar, you help your body to function better to get rid of unwanted stuffs.

Apple cider vinegar also promotes digestion, the assimilation in our bodies and the elimination process. It includes Vitamin C, vitamin E, Vitamin A, B2 and B6, Vitamin P and beta-carotene that are great for your body. Apple cider vinegar is also antibacterial and hence it's capable to eliminate toxic substances that can be dangerous to our body and our acne skin.

I've tried using it for many months and it certainly aids to control my acne issue. Let me show you some acne home cure that you can attempt out yourself. Combine 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it in once each morning. If you find it hard to drink, you can dilute it with water or add some honey to sweeten it. You can also utilize it to combine with bentonite clay for a face mask and use it after the mask. Let it dry and then put tea tree oil on pimples followed by moisturizer.

When sourcing for apple cider vinegar, you need to purchase only organic apple cider vinegar. The non organic apple cider vinegar consists of chemicals that'll be absorbed into our bodies and might make your acne issue worse. More importantly, make sure you test it before use. Placed a little under your chin and leave it for fifteen minutes or so. In case you have no reaction then you are not allergic. You can apply apple cider vinegar immediately on your acne skin. But if you find it too strong for your acne skin, you can try mixing it with water, starting with a low volume of vinegar after which rising the ratio. For a start go with a 5: 1 ratio and move it as much as full strength in case your skin doesn't get irritated.

So, start trying out these acne home cures and cure your acne issues with apple cider vinegar.

You will be able to also get more information regarding Cuka Apel by visiting

The Way To Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Cure Hemorrhoids Naturally

31/05/2012 23:39

Although the usefulness of apple cider vinegar in reducing excessive body weight is a well known reality, there has also been a lot of report from hemorrhoid sufferers that have tried this natural remedy as per its ability to cure bleeding hemorrhoids too.

How can you use apple cider vinegar to cure hemorrhoids?

1. To get rid of hemorrhoids, lots of recommend a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar merged with a glass of water to be taken with lunch and dinner, it can also be taken with breakfast. Flavor the solution of vinegar with honey to reduce the sour and sharp taste of vinegar. The apple cider vinegar has to be raw and unfiltered if possible and this sort might be swiftly found at your local health food shop.

2. Apply this fruit vinegar topically. To use the apple cider vinegar topically, add several drops to a cotton swab. Right after bathing and drying the anal area, lightly dab the hemorrhoid with the cotton swab. Don't overdo it though, the area should remain dry.

The acidity of the solution could cause some initial stinging, but this ought to subside rapidly. You could dilute the apple cider vinegar by mixing it with water prior to applying it topically if the full strength causes stinging.

You could apply this natural cure this way topically 3 to 4 times each day to soothe the itching and pain of hemorrhoids that are in a state of thrombosis. Some also recommend applying it topically before retiring at night.

In less than a few days, existing hemorrhoids will begin to shrink. Continue applying the solution until they vanish though it might take 2 to 3 weeks for them to shrink entirely.

3. Apple cider vinegar will be able to also be utilized to prevent hemorrhoids. It’s also an efficient natural hemorrhoid cure in avoiding the recurrence of hemorrhoids. After your symptoms diminish, you could continue drinking apple cider vinegar drink. This fruit vinegar combined with a glass of water and also probably some honey can be taken once daily after a major meal. A side advantage of this drink is that it aids fast digestion and weight loss.

You will be able to also get further information about Cuka Apel by visiting

Eczema Natural Remedy: Apple Vinegar, Why It Works and Methods to Use It Correctly for Optimum Benefits

31/05/2012 22:10

Eczema is a horrible skin disorder, however it will be cured in case you know how. Most likely you’ve been told that there's no cure, and that you ought to use creams full of chemicals or cortisone compounds. The reality is that you'll find natural remedies you could use to cure it.

When I was learning ways to get rid or eczema, I noticed that Apple Cider Vinegar is widely used to treat eczema, but desired to know more, moreover the right use for maximum benefits. The following is what you should know:

Apple Cider Vinegar Most Important Properties

Strengthens the Immune System

The contents of this vinegar include important vitamins and minerals, for example pectin, sodium, magnesium, calcium, beta-carotene, iron, sulphur and iron that strengthen the immune system. Beta carotene is also a great antioxidant that helps the skin's renewal process.

Anti bacterial and Anti-Fungal Properties

Apple Cider Vinegar also has various types of acids like lactic, malic and acetic. The acids make it a great anti-bacterial and anti-fungal product, shielding your skin and preventing infections.

Restores the Alkaline / Acid Balance

Your body is naturally Alkaline, with a normal pH of just above 7. 3. Your diet need to include foods that are more alkaline that acidic, and this vinegar aids you keep this balance, thus making your body less likely to manifest any sort of illness including eczema.

Extra. Boost digestion and break down fat.

You'll be glad to understand that Pectin, the fiber found in the vinegar is known to regulate blood pressure and decrease cholesterol, and additionally, it helps break down fats, helping maintain a healthy weight. Not so important for eczema, but a nice extra feature.

The Greatest Suggestions to use Apple Cider Vinegar

1. Take a glass of water with a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar 30 minutes before each meal. You will be able to add a little honey or maple syrup to improve the taste. Stay away from sugar! In case you so prefer, you will be able to take it with fruits or salad.

2. Add two cups of vinegar to your bath and soak for some half an hour. Rinse in the shower after the treatment, and dab your skin lightly to dry.

3. For Scalp Eczema treatment, use a diluted portion to the scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse. You will be astonished of the results.

As you see, this vinegar can be an excellent treatment for eczema, just make sure that you always dilute it in water to prevent your skin reacting.

You could also get additional information regarding Cuka Apel by visiting

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31/05/2012 15:15

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